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FirmataVB Sample Applications

You will find two sample applications on the Downloads page:

Sample application image

Using the Sample Applications

  1. Download the or the file to your computer
  2. Unzip or extract the file to a suitable location on your hard drive
  3. Open the extracted folder
  4. Double click on the Visual Basic Express solution file - eg. for ArduinoFirmataVB the file will be ArduinoFirmataVB.sln
    The project will open in Visual Studio or Visual Basic Express whichever you have installed on your computer.
  5. Run the application by selecting Debug > Start Debugging

Techniques used in the sample applications

The main elements of the sample applications are:

I am not an expert programmer by any means and if you have any suggestions for improving the FirmataVB component, the DigitalPinControl and the AnalogPinControl code or the sample applications then please email me. I will share any modifications, or improvements on this site.

I would also like to hear from you if you use the code and projects from these pages and if you find them useful.

Have you made use of FirmataVB or the code?

If so, please consider showing your appreciation (all donations used to continue to pay for web hosting of this resource)

< Analog Pin Control